Online Training







Anywhere ... Anytime  Training

Train With BowlU Founder Rick Benoit

With all the responsibilities of BowlU, Rick doesn't get to spend as much time at the bowling center and he really misses working with his team, so we figured out a way where Rick can reach out to every bower in the world and train his team ... his way. Join the team and you will have the opportunity to experience the uniqueness and creativity of BowlU from the man himself. There is no other way to work with Rick because he has made a commitment to only work with his team. 

"14 years ago I made a commitment to share my career experiences with the purpose to shorten the learning curve. I have spent years developing all of the BowlU techniques and initiatives, but there is so much more, and that's what I want to give. The best way to do that is to train my team the way I see best" 

We are out to change the way we teach the sport and to make that happen we are making it available to everyone for less than a league night.